Home > Our People in the News v4 n8
October 26, 2017

We received word from the following Cayambis composers and artists about their recent activities.

Alba Fernanda Triana’s work, Instalaciones sonoras, was featured on October 13 during the six-day celebration of the Colón Theater in Bogotá, Colombia.

Gerardo Dirié informed us that a compact disk that includes his work for voice and guitar, Tikata tarpuinikichu, received the 2017 ARIA award in the World Music Category. The Aria awards are given by the recording industry, and are similar to the Grammy awards.

If you hurry, you’ll be able to make it tonight’s performance in Guatemala, in which Gabriel Yela will be conducting that country’s National Symphony in a concert that will include works by Berlioz and Boieldieu.

Juan López-Maya and Juan Francisco Sans each contributed a chapter to a new book, Simón Bolívar: Travels and Transformations of a Cultural Icon, that was published by the University Press of Florida.

Fernando Oliveira was chosen to participate in a master class with William Blank in São Paulo on October 27.

Alexandre Travassos reports that during the 2017 XXII Biennial of Contemporary Brazilian Music his work, Ares Selvagens for wind octet, will be performed on October 28 at the Cecelia Meireles Hall in São Paulo. In addition, during the 1st Funarte-UFRJ Band Symposium, his works for concert band, Fanfarra do Cinquentenário and Rio das Pedras Soltas, will be performed during the last week of November in Rio de Janeiro.

On October 28 in the Espacio Tegualda in Santiago, Chile, the Taller Ciclo will be presenting a new piece by Nicolás Kliwadenko, insular, in its version for flute, tenor sax, electric guitar and electronics.

The University of Costa Rica recently released the third volume of its series on Masons and Masonry. This volume, which focuses on the arts, includes a chapter by Juan López-Maya.

Kent Holliday’s compositions, Piano Sonata No. 3 and Incantations from the Popul Vuh (this latter work was awarded the Barto Prize for a solo piano composition with a literary reference), will be recorded on November 10 and performed by Martin Jones on November 12 in Radford, Virginia.

The Saratoga Trio (Nubia Bado, Marcos Meroni and Graciela Flores) will be premiering Quimeras en el ocre atardecer for recorders by Federico Núñez on November 14 in the General San Martín Theater in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Luis Pérez Valero wrote to let us know that a movement of his work for piano, Sonatina venezolana, will be included on a forthcoming CD being produced by the University of the Arts in Guayaquil, Ecuador.

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