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May 24, 2017

This past Saturday, on April 22, John Adam’s opera-oratorio, The Gospel According to the Other Mary, in a concert version with Simon Rattle conducting the Philharmonic Orchestra of Berlin, was screened at the Goethe Institute in Lima, Peru. The screening was preceded by a brief talk given by Sadiel Cuentas, in which he expounded on the historic relationship of Adam’s work to that of J. S. Bach, as well as the collaborative manner in which the composer worked with librettist Peter Sellars. The projection was followed by a brief conversation between Cuentas and those present at the screening.

On May 9, the University of Arkansas Lyric Quintette performed Adriana Verdié’s Tangoescente at the First United Methodist Church in Bella Vista, Arkansas. Members of the quintet are Ronda Mains, flute; Theresa Delaplain, oboe; Nophachai Cholthitchanta, clarinet; Lia Uribe, bassoon; and Timothy Thompson, horn.

The Khemia Ensemble performed at the New Music Gathering at Bowling Green State University on May 12. Their 25-minute set featured works by Carolina Heredia, Marcos Balter and Bret Bohman.

Luis Ernesto Gómez’s article, “Afianzando la colaboración intérprete-compositor para crear repertorio: una relación sinérgica” (Supporting the Performer-Composer Collaboration to Create Repertoire: A Synergistic Relationship), was recently published by the Revista Musical de Venezuela. Click here to download a PDF version of this very engaging article.

Luis Pérez Valero will be presenting a paper on the representation of women in tropical music at the Latin American Conference on Cultural and Musical Studies at the San Francisco University in Quito, Ecuador. The event will take place on June 8 and 9.

The Chicago Choro Club, coordinated by Ondas Ensemble member Julie Koidin, will be holding its “Bossa Nova Brunch” Roda de choro at the Amazing Kale Burger restaurant in Evanston, IL, on Sunday, June 11, from noon until 1:30pm.
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