Home > Our People in the News v3 n9
December 1, 2016

Luis Ernesto Gómez wrote to inform us that his article, “Reminiscencias musicales para Juan Calzadilla. Poesía y música en la obra Asuntos del Trópico para soprano, flauta y guitarra,” was published by the Revista Nacional de Cultura de Venezuela in its September issue. The referenced work, marketed by Cayambis Music Press under the title, Tropical Matters, was premiered earlier this year in Italy.

John Walker’s article, “Folklore, Serialism, and Clicking Keys: A Brief Survey of the Literature for Unaccompanied Flute from Latin America,” was just published in the Flutist Quarterly magazine.

We’re proud to announce that Demian Galindo recently finished his master’s degree in arts with a specialization in composition in Guadalajara. Way to go, Demian!

On November 17 the Electroacoustic Ensemble of the Department of Musical Arts (DAMus) of the University of the Arts in Buenos Aires premiered Empty Star, which is a composition for laptop computers, by Federico Núñez. The event represents a collaboration between the DAMus and Stanford’s Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics.

On December 10 in Quito’s Sucre National Theater the percussion ensemble Tushpar will premiere Tres piezas by Marcelo Beltrán. The twelve percussionist piece was commissioned by the group, whose performance is taking place as part of series of events that is being sponsored by the Symphonic Metropolitan Band of Quito.
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