Home > Our People in the News v3 n8
November 10, 2016

Juan López-Maya would like to invite those who are interested to participate in a series of sessions about Venezuelan culture during the 19th century that is currently being given in Caracas. In addition to López-Maya, who will be lecturing on Masonry and religion, Denise Armitano will be speaking about clothing and personal accessories, Ocarino Castillo will be talking about food and food preparation and Juan Francisco Sans will be presenting a session on salons, which were the settings for many artistic activities in Latin America during that period. Here is one of several places where you can find more information.

Now through December 17 at the Beta Galería in Bogotá, Alba Fernanda Triana has on display her individual exhibition, Soy la voz abstracta de la naturaleza. She says that the works being presented there are “a reflection around music, understood as an expression of nature,” and that they are hybrid pieces “that expand what is traditionally understood as music,” by including interactive installations, sculptures of light and sound, and vibrating objects.

A week ago yesterday, on November 2, the Three by Radio ensemble (Carlos Camacho, David Abraham and Jacob Dike) took part in one of Carlos’s doctoral recitals at the College-Conservatory of Music in Cincinnati, Ohio. Included on the program were works by Carlos Sánchez Guitérrez, as well as El cristo llora lágrimas de sangre by Samuel Robles, two works by Camacho and Luis Ernesto Gómez’s percussion and marimba duet, Poema tímbrico.

Please enjoy one of Carlos’s percussion works from 2012, El cristo negro de Portobelo, also on the same program, which was recorded several years ago:

We are pleased to announce that Luis Pérez Valero has accepted a position in the composition and musicology department of the University of the Arts (Universidad de las Artes) in Guayaquil, Ecuador.

And finally, Kent Holliday’s Toccato Forsennata is being performed today by British pianist Martin Jones at Radford University and on November 14 at Virginia Tech. Jones will be performing this same piece as well as works by American composers at three other local universities.
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