We lead with Gerardo Dirié, who reported on a number of activities, including the September 2nd premiere of his electroacoustic work, itinerary, at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia. In addition, last month two separate violin duos performed his piece, Horizonte abierto, at Western University in Calgary, Alberta and in Quito, Ecuador, by Annette-Barbara Vogel and Mikela Witjes; and Tadahsi Maeda and Antonina Calahorrano, respectively.
Meanwhile, the Trio Montecino (clarinet, cello and piano) is concluding their tour of western universities in the United States. During their concerts they have been performing Dirié’s work, Bordoneo, Pifilca y Zapateado. And finally, during a Baroque music festival that begins next week in Argentina, his work, Estancias is slated to be premiered.
In Colombia, Dicen tanto y tan poco, by Nicolás Hernández, which won the fourth edition of a national competition composition that was sponsored by the Symphonic Orchestra of Caldas, was premiered by that ensemble on September 9.
On October 7 in Cincinnati the Three by Radio group (Carlos Camacho, Jacob Dike and Josiah Rushing) premiered Poema tímbrico by Luis Ernesto Gómez. That same day, Cayambis artist Maurita Murphy Marx returned home after having presented a choro workshop for the clarinet and guitar studios at the Eastman School of Music. She was accompanied by guitarist Bob Sneider.
Two days later, in the Fedora Alemán Auditorium in Caracas, pianist Marianela Arocha performed Luis Ernesto Gómez’s Three Undefeated Pieces. Luis Ernesto also informed us that next week, as part of the 19th festival of Latin American music in Caracas, his work, Cuatro cantos del ecólogo de día feriado, will be premiered by the Simón Bolívar Contemporary Music Ensemble, under the direction of Pablo Castellanos.
Luis Pérez Valero wrote to let us know that his work,
Preambles, will also be premiered during the above mentioned festival in Caracas.
Now through December 17 at the Beta Galería in Bogotá, Alba Fernanda Triana has on display her individual exhibition, Soy la voz abstracta de la naturaleza. She says that the works being presented there are “a reflection around music, understood as an expression of nature,” and that they are hybrid pieces “that expand what is traditionally understood as music,” by including interactive installations, sculptures of light and sound, and vibrating objects.
On October 28, 29 and 30 the third international classical guitar festival (FIGS) will take place in Santiago, Chile. Organized by Federico Núñez, the festival will feature the participation of guitarists from throughout the Southern Cone.
Finally, the University of Florida Press just published Simón Bolívar, Travels & Transformations of a Cultural Icon (edited by Maureen G. Shanahan and Ana María Reyes). Not one, but two chapters of this book were contributed by members of the Venezuelan Society of Musicology, “Simón Bolívar’s Centennial Anniversary: Music for a Triumphal Parade,” by Juan López-Maya and “Dancing with the Enemy: Diplomacy in the Revolutionary Era,” by Juan Francisco Sans.