March 17, 2016
Two hundred! This month we reached an important milestone by adding our two hundredth title to our catalog. In fact, we blew past it.
What does this all mean?
Well, in slightly more than two years we now have a more extensive catalog than some of our direct (and not so direct) competitors, all of which have been in operation for at least three times as long as we have. And we’ve done it while maintaining the very highest standards of quality, from the selection of composers (we’ve gotten nearly a thousand unsolicited submissions) to the editorial work, to the final printed product.
What’s more, no one else provides the kind of support to those interested in Latin American music like we do. We do podcasts. We write articles and other short features. We provide links to Latin American musical sites throughout the hemisphere. And much more.
We invite you to shop with us with confidence. We’re in it for the long haul, and are committed to earning not only your business, but also your trust and respect.