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Two Thalassic Canticles, by Luis Ernesto Gomez
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Luis Ernesto Gómez, Two Thalassic Canticles.
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Extended Description
Audio Sample
CMP 1116
Solo for unaccompanied flute.
Grade 5. Approx. duration: seven and a half minutes.
Set consists of a performance score.
These thalassic canticles are made up of two well-defined scenes. The nymph’s melos (to the river god) is a peaceful song that begins with a meditative spirit but later becomes more agitated as the nymph emerges from the river to sing her song of life while thanking the thalassic god that created her. The pathos of the torrent is an unrestrained piece; the deep river waters become vertiginous, breaking apart rocks and forming whirlpools that swallow anyone who dares to swim through them. In the middle of this hostile environment the nymph looks for unusual ways to survive and to catch her breath.
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This piece is on the VBODA (Virginia Band and Orchestra Directors Association) Solo/Ensemble Music List.
Luis Ernesto Gómez, Two Thalassic Canticles (first two pages)
(Dos cánticos acuáticos)
Fernando Martínez, flute.
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