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Variations on a Wixarika Theme, by Demian Galindo
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Demian Galindo, Variations on a Wixarika Theme.
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Extended Description
CMP 1210
Solo for bass clarinet and piano.
Grade 4-5. Approx. duration: eight and a half minutes.
Set includes a score and one part.
Living on communal land in the Mexican states of Jalisco and Nayarit is an indigenous group known as the Huichol. Their language, Wixarika (pronounced wish-AHR-ee-kah) shares characteristics with that of North American indigenous groups, such as the Utes, and the Mexicas (or Aztecs), who lived further east and south. One of the most archetypical figures within Wixarika society, the mara’akate, are in charge of transmitting “customs,” that is, the proper manner to give blessings, to eulogize the deceased, and to connect the present with the past and the future. A particularly important function exercised by these shamans is that of healing, which, as with all of Wixarika rituals, is done with song. The five variations of this composition are intended as a token of appreciation for the mara’akame who cured the composer’s knees by “sucking out the sickness” as he sang the healing song upon which the variations are based.
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