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Convention Report

On February 19 we traveled to Reston, Virginia, to attend the Mid-Atlantic Flute Convention. It was a two-day event that attracted many hundreds of flutists from not only Virginia, but also from Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey and Washington, DC. Along with the other vendors, we set up our booth in a large meeting room (see photo below) where we enjoyed a brisk pace of visitors to our booth, particularly on the first day.

Flute Convention Vendor Area

However, the main attraction for the flutists was all of the performance opportunities, not only to hear many fine soloists and ensembles, but also to perform in flute ensembles of various sizes and configurations. In fact, seeing that there was a whole hallway in which each room was full of some sort of flute choir, we decided to quietly step inside a few of the rooms to take some photographs (see below).

Flute Choir in Rehearsal

Here’s another:

Flute Choir in Rehearsal

In next month’s edition of the “Cayambis Connection,” we’ll be reporting on not one, but two conventions. On April 1, we’ll be going back to Washington, DC to attend our very first single reed convention, which will be held on the campus of the Catholic University of America. So for the time being, we’ve been “single reed crazy,” trying to get all of our clarinet and saxophone music into boxes and ready to take on the road. And on April 8 we’ll be traveling to Columbia, South Carolina, where we will be setting up a booth at the South Carolina Flute Society Spring Festival. Until then...
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