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August 25, 2016

It took a while to get to us, but we invite you to watch the video of the premiere performance of Luis Ernesto Gómez’s Tropical Matters (Asuntos del trópico) that took place at the Ducal Palace in Genoa, Italy, on June 16. In this video, the performers are Vera Marenco, soprano; Gianluca Nicolini, flute; and Fabrizio Giudice, guitar.

On July 29 in Guatemala City, Gabriel Yela’s new piece, A piacere, op. 36, was premiered by the company, Artes Integradas en Movimiento. The work consists of an overture and three acts, and involved a cast of four dancers, of whom two were body painted. The performance was repeated over the course of the following week, and is slated to be filmed on August 31 by the Guatemalan film producer Cristian Celada and his production company.

From July 29 until August 14, Angel Hernández was in Darmstadt participating in their summer course for new music, during which time one of his pieces, Ultraviolencia, for piano, violin, cello, electronics and video, was premiered. Several days later, on August 8, his Imágenes permutadas, for violin, turntables and string bass, was premiered by Graeme Jennings, Uli Fussenegger and Jorge Sanchez Wong.

Earlier this month, Luis Pérez Valero wrote to inform us that he had been selected as a member of the Venezuelan Society of Musicology.

On September 15, Federico Núñez will be presenting a paper entitled, “Aspectos interpretativos en la obra para guitarra de Fernando Maglia: Empleo de técnicas extendidas,” during the Ibermúsicas Festival that will be taking place in Buenos Aires.
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